题目:Planning Sustainable Tourism: A Journal Editor’s Perspective
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Alan A. Lew: 美国北亚利桑那大学教授,国际学术期刊《旅游地理》主编(SSCI收录),国际地理联合会旅游休闲地理委员会副主席,美国规划联合会亚利桑那分会董事。
Alan A. Lew, PhD, AICP, Professor
Department Graduate Programs Coordinator
E-mail: Alan.Lew@nau.edu
Phone: 928-523-6567
Office: SBS West/Bld 70, Room 230
At NAU since 1986
See bio
Fellow of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism, 2011
American Institute of Certified Planners, 1991
PhD, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1986
Master of Urban Planning, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1983
MA, Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1983
BA, Geography, University of Hawaii, Hilo, 1981
Professional experience
Editor-in-Chief, Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment (Routledge, UK), since 1999
Vice-Chair, Commission on the Geography of Tourism, Leisure and Global Change of the International Geographical Union, since 2008
Board Member, Arizona Planning Association chapter of the American Planning Association, since 2010
External Assessor, Sustainable Tourism M.S.Sc. degree programme, Department of Geography, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, since 2010
Fulbright Research Scholar, Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 2012
Research Associate, Centre for Innovative Planning and Development, Tourism Planning Research Group, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, since 2012
Corresponding Professor, Institute for Tourism Research, Department of Land Resource and Tourism, Nanjing University, China, since 2012
Lew, A.A.; Hall, C.Michael; and Timothy, Dallen. 2011. World Regional Geography: Tourism Destinations, Human Mobilities, Sustainable Environments. Des Moine, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
Hall, C.Michael and Lew, A.A. 2009. Understanding and Managing Tourism Impacts: An Integrated Approach. London: Routledge.
Cartier, Carolyn L. and Lew, A.A., eds. 2005. Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes. London: Routledge.
Ma, Ling and Lew, A.A. 2012. Historical and Geographical Context in Festival Tourism Development. Journal of Heritage Tourism,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1743873X.2011.611595 (print version forthcoming).
Huang, Xiang; Bao, Jigang, and Lew, A.A. 2011. Nature-based Tourism Resources Privatization in China: A System Dynamic Analysis of Opportunities and Risks. Tourism Recreation Research 36(2): 99-111.
Lew, A.A. 2008. Long Tail Tourism: New geographies for marketing niche tourism products. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 25(3/4): 409-419.
Lew, A.A. 2007. Tourism Planning and Traditional Urban Planning Theory: Planners as Agents of Social Change. Leisure/Loisir: Journal of the Canadian Association of Leisure Studies, 31(2):383-392.
Lew, A.A. and McKercher, Bob. 2006. Modeling the Movement of Tourists in a Local Destination. Annals of Tourism Research 33(2): 403-423.
Hughes, Amy and Lew, A.A. 2012. Real food on the Colorado Plateau: Planning for community food systems in Flagstaff, Arizona. In C.M. Hall and S. Gössling, eds., Sustainable Culinary Systems - Local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism and Hospitality, Oxford: Routledge (forthcoming).
Lew, A.A. 2012. Marketing and Tourism Geographies. In J. Wilson, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Geographies. Routledge: (forthcoming).
Lew, A.A. 2010. Defining and Redefining Conceptual Frameworks for Social Science Field Research. In C.M. Hall, ed., Fieldwork in Tourism: Methods, Issues and Reflections, pp. 19-34. London: Routledge.