


电子邮箱:pxr1122@zjgsu.edu.cn ; pxr1122@163.com





彭雪蓉1980-,女,浙江大学企业管理博士,浙江工商大学副教授、硕士生导师 ,复旦大学博士后,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University)访问学者,曾任职于开元旅业集团战略发展部,是一位具有完整学术研究与实践经历的老师。

彭雪蓉老师的研究兴趣集中在数智创新、ESG/绿色/生态创新、企业社会责任、国际化战略管理等领域,出版学术专著1部,主持省部级以上纵向课题8项,已在《International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI/JCR Q1)》《Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI/JCR Q1)Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI/JCR Q1)》《Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI/JCR Q1)《管理世界》《科学学研究》《自然辩证法研究》《生态学报》《旅游学刊》等高水平学术期刊上公开发表近40篇论文。此外,2016-2018年期间,彭雪蓉老师还在饭店业、迈点、酒店高参等行业自媒体平台发表酒店战略管理评论文章30余篇,平均阅读量过1.5战略管理咨询服务过的公司包括开元旅业集团、浙旅蝶来酒店集团、浙江梅苑酒店管理有限公司、宁波天港酒店集团等




行业: 旅游业(酒店、餐饮等)、制造业











20178-201910月,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University)酒店管理学院,访问学者,合作导师:Seoki Lee








20178-201910月,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University),访问学者,合作导师:Seoki Lee



1)酒店战略管理 本科生

2Hotel Strategic Management 本科生(来华留学生)

3Literature Retrieval and Essay Writing 本科生(来华留学生)

4CSR and Business Ethics 硕士生(来华留学生)




[1] 国家社科基金后期资助项目(#21FGLB018): 绿色发展背景下企业生态创新决策机制及路径优化研究,  2021/07-2022/08, 25主持批准日2021.10.27

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(#71602176): 如何驱动企业生态创新?基于动态二元情境嵌入与战略认知的整合视角, 2017/01-2019/12, 主持,已结题

[3] 国家社科基金重大项目子课题 (#20ZDA088) :完善推进绿色创新的市场型环境政策体系研究_子课题二:基于内容分析的国外推进绿色创新的市场型环境政策文本研究,2020.04-2022.04已结题. 

[4] 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(#15YJC630098): 高管双重嵌入对企业生态创新的影响机制研究, 2016/01-2018/12, 批准日:2015.09.10, 主持,已结题

[5] 中国博士后科学基金第10批特别资助(#2017T100274)国际化、组织学习与生态创新:以长三角跨国企业为例,2017/03-2019/12, 主持,批准日: 2017.06.12, 已结题

[6] 中国博士后科学基金第60批面上资助(一等资助)(#2016M600288)国际化如何影响企业生态创新?基于组织双重学习的视角, 2016/03-2019/12, 主持批准日: 2016.11.02, 已结题

[7] 浙江省哲学社会科学规划对策研究类课题(部门合作专项)浙江文旅产业数字化发展研究(#21NDYD038YB). 2021/03-2021/11, 批准日:2021.06.17. 主持,在研

[8] 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(青年项目)(#LQ15G020001): 合法性视角下利益相关者压力、生态创新与企业绩效的关联机制研究——以浙江制造企业为例,2015/01-2017/12, 主持,批准日:2015.04.09, 已结题


担任International Journal of Hospitality Management (IJHM), Journal of Sustainable Tourism (JOST), International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (IJCHM), Ecological Economics等国际期刊匿名审稿人。



(一)同行评审的国际期刊论文 (SSCI/SCI收录期刊论文)

[1] Peng, X., Zhu, J., Lee, S., Zhou, D.*, Song, W., & Ying, T. 2024. Digital transformation in the hospitality industry: A bibliometric review from 2000 to 2023. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI/JCR Q1; ABS 3*), 120. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103761. Published online: April 30 2024

[2] Peng, X., Fang, P., Lee, S., Song, W.*, Wang, L., & Zhou, D. 2024. Overcoming double positive spillovers: automatic habits and dual environmental cognitions driving pro-environmental behaviors among hotel customers. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI/JCR Q1; ABS 3*)https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2024.2325011.

[3] Zhou, D., Kohtamäki, M., Peng, X., & Kong, X. 2024. How digital orientation impacts service innovation in hotels: The role of digital capabilities and government support. Tourism Economicshttps://doi.org/10.1177/13548166241255408

[4] Peng, Xuerong, Wang, Hong, Fang, Pei, Song, Wenhao*, & Zhou, Dan. 2023. Mapping progress in hospitality CSR research: A bibliometric analysis from 2006 to 2023. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI/JCR Q1), 57, 284-302. Accepted on September 4, 2023

[5] Song, W., Deng, J., Zhang, F., Peng, X., & Jin, X. 2023. Activating employee pro-environmental behavior in the workplace: the effects of environmental self-identity and behavioral integrity. Environment, Development and Sustainability (SCI/JCR Q2)https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03549-7

[6] Zhou, D., Wu, Q., Lee, S., Li, X., Sun, K., & Peng, X. 2023. Unpacking the mechanism linking digital servitization and manufacturing firm performance: the role of the service networks and slack resources. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (SSCI/JCR Q3)https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-07-2022-0308

[7] Lin Wang, Chunjia Han*, Yuelong Zheng, Xuerong Peng, Mu Yang, Brij Gupta. 2023. Search for exploratory and exploitative service innovation in manufacturing firms: The role of ties with service intermediaries. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge (SSCI/JCR Q1), 8(1).

[8] Peng, Xuerong*, Fang, Pei, Lee, Seoki & Zhang, Zeye. 2022. Does executives' ecological embeddedness predict corporate eco-innovation? Empirical evidence from China. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI/JCR Q3; ABS 2*). Received November 24 2021; Accepted July 19 2022; Published online: August 1 2022. DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2022.2106421

[9] Peng, Xue-Rong*, Lee, Seoki, and Lu, Zhenglan. 2020. Employees' perceived job performance, organizational identification, and pro-environmental behaviors in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI/JCR Q1; ABS 3*, 5-Year Impact Factor: 7.780 in 2019). Accepted July 10, 2020; Available online August 7, 2020https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102632

[10] Peng, Xue-Rong*, & Lee, Seoki. 2019. Self-discipline or self-interest? The antecedents of hotel employees' pro-environmental behaviours. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI/JCR Q1; ABS 3*), 27(9): 1457-1476. Available online: July 3, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2019.1632320

[11] Song, W., Ma, Y., Fan, X., Jin, X., & Peng, X*. 2024. Servant leadership, workplace well‐being and employee creativity: The roles of psychological availability and experienced creative time pressure. Creativity and Innovation Management (SSCI/JCR Q2; ABS 2*)https://doi.org/10.1111/caim.12595

[12] Song, Wenhao, Ma, Yingying, Fan, Xiucheng, & Peng, Xuerong*. 2023. Corporate environmental ethics and employee's green creativity? The perspective of environmental commitment. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI/JCR Q1)Published online: January 30 2023. DOI: 10.1002/csr.2459

[13] Yan, Zhiwei, Peng, Xue-Rong*,#, Lee, Seoki & Zhang, Leibao. 2023. How does cognition drive corporate proactive environmental strategies? The joint effects of executives' environmental awareness and firm entrepreneurial orientation. Submitted to Asian Business & Management (SSCI/JCR Q3; ABS 2*)Accepted November 8, 2022, Published online: April 8 2023. doi: 10.1057/s41291-023-00222-9

[14] Zhang, Zeye, Yang, Liuyong, Peng, Xue-Rong*, & Liao, Zhongju. 2022. Overseas imprints reflected at home: Returnee CEOs and corporate green innovation. Asian Business & Management (SSCI/JCR Q3; ABS 2*)Accepted October 11, 2022; Published online: November 7, 2022. DOI: 10.1057/s41291-022-00207-0

[15] Yan, Zhiwei, Peng, Xue-Rong*, #, Lee, Seoki, and Fang, Pei«. 2021. Chasing the light or chasing the dark? Top managers' political ties and corporate proactive environmental strategyTechnology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI/JCR Q3; ABS 2*). Accepted November 4 2021, Published online: November 18 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2021.2003774

[16] Liu, Zi-Meng, Li, Xu, Peng, Xue-Rong*, and Lee, Seoki. 2019. Green or nongreen innovation? Different strategic preferences among subsidized enterprises with different ownership types, Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI/JCR Q1). Accepted October 6, 2019, Available online October 9, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118786

[17] Zhang, Zeye, Peng, Xuerong*,#, Yang, Liuyong, and Lee, Seoki. 2022. How does Chinese central environmental inspection affect corporate green innovation? The moderating effect of bargaining intentions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI/JCR Q2)Accepted January 14, 2022; Published onlineJanuary 29, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-18755-5

[18] Peng, Xue-Rong. & Liu, Yang*. 2016. Behind eco-innovation: Managerial environmental awareness and external resource acquisition. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI/JCR Q1), 139: 347-360. Received September 4, 2015, Revised July 21, 2016, Accepted August 11, 2016, Available online August 13, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.08.051


[19] 彭雪蓉刘姿萌, & 李旭*. 2019. 善有善方方善报吸收能力视角下生态创新绩效提升的实施战略生态经济35(07): 70-75.

[20] 彭雪蓉*, 应天煜, & 李旭. 2016. 如何驱动企业生态创新? ——基于制度理论与利益相关者理论的个案研究自然辩证法通讯, 38(5): 106-113.

[21] 彭雪蓉*, & 刘洋. 2016. 外部性视角下企业社会责任与企业财务绩效:一个重新定义的框架浙江工商大学学报, 138(3): 72-79

[22] 彭雪蓉, & 刘洋*. 2016. 我国创新评价研究综述回顾与展望科研管理(CSSCI) (“第十五届全国科技评价学术研讨会会议论文), 37(S1): 247-256.

[23] 魏江刘洋应瑛, & 彭雪蓉. 2016. 启发式规则与后发企业追赶战略抉择一个探索性研究管理学季刊, (04): 18-37+135-136.

[24] 彭雪蓉刘洋*. 2015. 行业可见性、创新能力与高管认知对企业生态创新行为的影响研究与发展管理(CSSCI),27(5):68-77

[25] 彭雪蓉*, & 魏江. 2015. 利益相关者环保导向与企业生态创新——高管环保意识的调节作用科学学研究(CSSCI), 33(7): 1109-1120.

[26] 彭雪蓉, & 刘洋*. 2015. 战略性企业社会责任与竞争优势:过程机制与权变条件管理评论(CSSCI)封面文章, 27(7): 156-167.

[27] 张妍魏江, & 彭雪蓉. 2015. 组织间网络与创新关系研究述评研究与发展管理(CSSCI)27(2): 34-42.

[28] 魏江邬爱其, & 彭雪蓉. 2014. 中国战略管理研究:情境问题与理论前沿管理世界(CSSCI)人大复印报刊资料《企业管理研究》杂志(12): 167-171.

[29] 彭雪蓉*刘洋, & 赵立龙. 2014. 企业生态创新的研究脉络、内涵澄清与测量生态学报, 34(22): 6440-6449.

[30] 彭雪蓉*, & 魏江. 2014. 生态创新、资源获取与组织绩效——来自浙江省中小企业的实证研究自然辩证法研究, 30(05): 60-65.

[31] 彭雪蓉*, & 黄学. 2013. 企业生态创新影响因素研究前沿探析与未来研究热点展望外国经济与管理(CSSCI), 35(9): 61-71.

[32] 黄学刘洋, & 彭雪蓉. 2013. 基于产业链视角的文化创意产业创新平台研究——以杭州市动漫产业为例科学学与科学技术管理(CSSCI), 34(04): 52-59.

[33] 彭雪蓉*魏江, & 李亚男. 2013. 我国酒店业企业社会责任实践研究——对酒店集团15CSR公开信息的内容分析旅游学刊, 28(3): 52-61.

[34] 邹益民, & 彭雪蓉. 2008. 主题酒店产品顾客体验关键要素的探索性研究旅游论坛 1(1): 18-22.


[35] Liu, Zi-Meng, Li, Xu, Peng, X.-R*, and Lee, Seoki. Different green/general innovation strategies among subsidized enterprises with different ownerships, paper presented at 2019 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, August 9-13, Boston, America

[36] Peng, X.-R. & Liu, Y. 2016. Behind eco-innovation: managerial environmental awareness and external resource acquisition. Paper presented at International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Annual Conference 2016, Hangzhou, China.

[37] Peng, X.-R. & Liu, Y. 2015. Behind eco-innovation: managerial environmental awareness and external resource acquisition. Paper accepted by 2015 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Penang, Malaysia

[38] Peng, X.-R.* 2013. Green innovation, resource acquisition and firm performanceA conceptual framework. Paper presented at 2013 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Bali, Indonesia

[39] Peng, X.-R.*, Wei, J., & Zhang, Y. 2012. CSR demands of stakeholders and corporate green innovation supply: A case study of Narada. Proceeding of 2012 International Symposium on Management of Technology (ISMOT'2012) (EI indexed): 211-215.

[40] Wei, J., Peng, X.-R.*, & Zhang, Y. 2012. CSR strategy, green innovation, and firm performance: A conceptual framework. Proceeding of 2012 International Symposium on Management of Technology (ISMOT'2012) (EI indexed): 482-485.

[41] Zhang, Y., Peng, X.-R., & Shou, K. Y. 2012. Organizational slack and firm innovativeness in a transitional economy: the role of strategic proactiveness and IPR protection strength. Proceeding of 2012 International Symposium on Management of Technology (ISMOT'2012) (EI indexed): 542-547.


[42] 彭雪蓉, & 易开刚. 2016. 转型背景下旅游管理本科生培养的TRAVEL模式人才培养与教学改革-浙江工商大学教学改革论文集(00): 29-33.

[43] 彭雪蓉, & 易开刚. 2015. 新时代背景下酒店管理本科人才培养模式思考人才培养与教学改革-浙江工商大学教学改革论文集(00): 51-55.


[1] 彭雪蓉. 2019. 利益相关者环保导向、生态创新与企业绩效组织合法性视角吉林大学出版社

[2] 邹益民张冠明颜亮, & 彭雪蓉(主要执笔人). 2008. 企业持续发展的基本法则——开元掌门人陈妙林的经营之道旅游教育出版社





