





The Conrad Hangzhou is a very luxurious hotel, with many fancy furniture to match its aesthetics. This trip has given us the opportunity to take a look at all Conrad Hangzhou’s services and rooms. This hotel has many glass views so we can watch the city views while doing our activities. The service there was also very great the employees were all kind and very helpful most of them can even speak English so its very easy for us foreigners.This trip has help me to see what my future career would be like and I must say i am looking forward to it.

——酒店管理 23Q1Michelle


I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Tourism school and teachers for organizing this remarkable hotel trip and for collaborating with a top luxury hotel. This opportunity has exposed us to a standard of hospitality that can serve as an inspiring model for future endeavors.Looking ahead, I believe Conrad Hangzhou Hotel holds immense potential for students seeking internships or aspiring to pursue careers in the hospitality industry. It's a beacon of excellence that offers a conducive environment for learning and growth.                           


       杭州康莱德酒店(Conrad Hangzhou)大隐隐于市,地处繁华的钱江新城 — 来福士中心,直面钱塘江水平静无澜,将热闹繁华与宁静致远融合。“小蛮腰双子塔”— 来福士中心刷新了杭城综合体建筑的新高度,更是荣获2019年世界不动产联盟世界卓越产业奖零售业世界金奖。