






The Shangri-La Hangzhou is a balanced blend of comfort and luxury. Our trip has provided us with the opportunity to access a high level of service and class that is the essence of eminent service. The guidance of professional hotel operatives is valuable to students that aim high in their careers, and this outing has opened our eyes and prepared us to face our future challenges as managers.


It was an amazing trip to Shangrila located in the heart of Hangzhou. The hotel is very special by its high quality staff services and large rooms. All international students were welcomed extremely friendly and spent a lot of time answering questions after the nice coffee break organized by the hotel.


We had the chance to listen to the experiences of the General Manager, F&B manager and front office manager. After sharing their experiences we had the opportunity to ask questions which they all answered great. We learned a lot about the internship opportunities in such a great hotel.


杭州城中香格里拉大酒店(Midtown Shangri-La Hangzhou),是香格里拉集团旗下的豪华酒店品牌,位于杭州市区心脏地带。该酒店与香格里拉集团旗下杭州嘉里中心商业体连成一体,一楼大堂、二楼餐厅都与嘉里中心商业楼无缝对接。我院与杭州城中香格里拉大酒店自2015年建立国际生实践基地以来,已陆续派遣20余名国际生到酒店实习,双方保持良好的合作关系。