实习心得 | 旅游学院酒店管理专业国际生杭州康莱德酒店实习







实习岗位:F&B trainee


I am privileged to got the opportunity to do internship in Conrad Hangzhou as a trainee in their buffet restaurant called Blue Willow. As an internship student, I have brought enthusiasm, adaptability, and a strong desire to learn the dynamic environment of hospitality. There were some challenges along the way but I have gained many valuable experiences during my internship. Even though language was a huge barrier between me and my colleagues as well as the customers, I have adapted pretty well. My Chinese level has improved a lot and I think I also bring value through teaching my colleagues basic English and how to speak to foreign guests. The hospitality industry is very fast-paced and I learned to adapt quickly to meet guests' needs and handle unexpected challenges with composure. I have met so many different kinds of guests and it is important to understand which kinds of guests that I was dealing with. Sometimes during breakfast hours, there are guests who do not like being bothered and there are guests who want more attention. Moreover, I learned that communication and coordination between me and my colleagues are also important. Teamwork is a key to deliver exceptional guest experiences. Working in a hotel restaurant, there were various facets of industry, from the busy kitchen to the polished dining area. I have witnessed the seamless coordination among different departments in order to deliver the best guest experiences. Overall, my internship has provided me a comprehensive insight of how a hotel restaurant operate, building both professional growth and a deeper appreciation for the art of hospitality. I am eager to engage myself in new experiences and make more valuable contributions to any team or organization in the future.



实习职位:Guest Relation Officer


As guest relation officer at Conrad Hangzhou. I had the privilege of immersing myself in the dynamic world of hospitality, where each day presents me opportunities for personal and professional growth. In delivering with diverse guests allowed me to cultivate strong interpersonal abilities and a keen eye for anticipating their needs. Through collaboration with colleagues, I developed problem solving abilities and learned the importance of teamwork in delivering exceptional experience. I am eager to leverage this experience to contribute effectively to in future endeavors within the hospitality industry.


实习岗位:F&B trainee


During my internship I handle the breakfast in Blue Willow at Conrad Hangzhou. Early in the morning before the sun rise, we prepare the breakfast food, making sure everything is well prepared and clean. During the breakfast we escorts the guest to their table and offer them the choices of drinks such as coffee or tea. While the guest take the food we serve their choices of drinks. We clear out dirty plates from the guest table as tables have limited space, so they can eat comfortably. As breakfast time have finish, we prepare the things for lunch time. We place the lunch menus and put some of the tables with set menu utensils. Being a hotel trainee is both exhausting and enriching. Despite the fatigue, the experience offers invaluable lessons in communication and cooperation. Each interaction teaches adaptability, while teamwork fosters success. It's a transformative journey, equipping one with essential skills for life beyond hospitality.




杭州康莱德酒店坐落于钱江新城中央商务区,与来福士中心直接相连,举步可达万象城。毗邻杭州大剧院及Do都城少儿社会体验馆,从购物娱乐到文化景点,尽享一段非凡旅程。酒店拥有306 间客房,包括 25 间套房,全景玻璃窗让宾客将城市美景尽收眼底,3个餐厅和1个大堂吧,让宾客在别致设计氛围和广角钱塘江美景的陪伴下尽享酒店丰富菜品。1,604 平方米的会议空间,是举行婚礼、商务会议和其他聚会的理想场所。 酒店为希尔顿酒店管理集团旗下崇尚睿智奢华的新生代旅行者之优选酒店,向来自全球的商务和休闲旅客提供独具灵感的精彩体验。